Welcome, beautiful souls! It’s Michele here, and today, I want to share with you the incredible energy of Dragon Frequencies—how they work, how they’ve influenced my life, and how you can call them into your own journey. This topic is so vast and profound, and I feel deeply called to help others understand and connect with these magnificent energies.

My Journey with Dragon Energy

Recently, I traveled to Wellington, New Zealand, where I was invited to speak about the Dragon Frequencies. This journey was particularly meaningful for me, as Wellington is a place I once called home before moving to Hawke’s Bay. But before I dive deeper into the dragons, let me introduce myself to those who may be new here.

I’m Michele Courage, originally from South Africa, and I’ve been in New Zealand for the past 15 years. I work as a Galactic Messenger, Energy Healer, Light Code Artist, and Channeler of multi-dimensional and galactic frequencies. Through my Galactic Circles, energy activation sessions, Light-Encoded Art, and soul-aligned products, I help others clear blockages, shift energy, and embrace the power of higher dimensional frequencies.

One of the most powerful energies I work with is that of the dragons.

The Ancient Connection of Dragons to Earth

Dragons have been present on Earth since its formation. Ancient civilizations that seeded life on Earth—particularly in Africa—called upon the dragons to encode the planet with sacred frequencies. These energies were embedded into crystals and lay dormant until the right time for reactivation, creating portals to the stars.

According to Diana Cooper—one of my greatest inspirations in working with dragons—these beings have played an instrumental role in linking Earth to star systems like Sirius, Neptune, the Pleiades, and Orion. They are protectors of mountains and guardians of liquid light, ensuring that sacred energies remain intact for future awakening.

At the end of Atlantis, the dragons were given the opportunity to ascend into the Fifth Dimension as a reward for their work. However, they chose to stay and assist humanity in its ascension process. Since 2012, their presence has become increasingly accessible, allowing those who are open to their energy to call them in for guidance, protection, and clearing.

Tuning into Dragon Frequencies

Connecting with dragon energy is like tuning into a radio frequency—it’s all about alignment and attunement. Dragons are not physical beings in the way we may imagine; rather, they are powerful energetic forces that humans have assigned form and names to in order to better connect with them.

When I first started working with dragons, it was through Diana Cooper’s Dragon Oracle Deck. What initially seemed like an oracle deck quickly became a learning tool for me. I discovered that each dragon carries a unique frequency, and by working with them intentionally, I could harness their specific powers.

Tuning into dragon energy is an incredibly personal journey, and each individual will connect with them in a different way. Just as one may attune to the energy of Jesus, Quan Yin, or Archangel Metatron, learning to recognize the frequency of dragons is about feeling their presence and understanding their role in your life.

The Earth Dragon: The Master of Grounding & Clearing

One of the first dragons I connected with was the Earth Dragon. As someone who deeply loves and respects the Earth, I felt a natural affinity for this energy. The Earth Dragon specializes in clearing ley lines, purifying spaces, and grounding energy.

When we walk upon the Earth, we release energy into it—sometimes positive, sometimes negative. Over time, stagnant energies can accumulate in spaces, affecting our well-being. The Earth Dragon assists by clearing and rebalancing these frequencies, making it an essential ally for healers, energy workers, and anyone looking to create a purified space.

A powerful way to work with the Earth Dragon is by calling upon it to cleanse your home, land, or workspace. You can even ask it to sit above your head, pulling your energy back into the present moment and grounding you deeply into the Earth’s frequency.

The Fire Dragon: The Master of Transformation

Another dragon that I frequently work with is the Fire Dragon. This incredible force specializes in transmuting negative energy, dissolving blockages, and clearing heavy frequencies from people, places, and situations.

Have you ever walked into a room and felt an overwhelming sense of heaviness? Often, this is due to residual negative energy left behind by conversations, emotions, and past experiences. Calling upon the Fire Dragon allows you to cleanse the space, ensuring that any stagnant energy is not just displaced but fully transformed and rehabilitated.

Whenever I conduct energy work or lead healing circles, I invoke the Fire Dragon to ensure that the space remains clear and energetically uplifted. Why use a feather duster when you can use a powerful energetic vacuum cleaner?

Dragons and Galactic Energies

As my work with dragons deepened, I also began connecting with the Pleiadian and Arcturian energies. While the Pleiadians radiate a soft, loving, and uplifting frequency, the Arcturians are highly advanced in technology and healing. The Arcturians frequently assist me during client sessions, showing me futuristic medical technologies and energy structures that align with cutting-edge healing modalities.

These Galactic Beings work harmoniously with dragons, creating a multi-layered system of healing, activation, and transformation. As I continued to embrace these energies, I embarked on a soul journey to Bali—a trip that brought deep initiations and lessons in working with dragon energies on a planetary scale.

Calling on Dragons for Comfort and Protection

One of the most profound experiences I’ve had with the dragon realm was during a time when I felt overwhelmed and unsupported in my work. I asked which dragon could assist me, and a beautiful, nurturing dragon appeared. This dragon held me in its energy, providing comfort, reassurance, and unconditional support—much like a benevolent parent.

Whenever I feel emotionally drained or energetically depleted, I call upon this dragon to envelop me in its presence. The experience is incredibly soothing and reminds me that we are never truly alone—we are always supported by higher dimensional energies.

Final Thoughts: Embracing the Dragon Realm

The dragon realm is vast, powerful, and deeply transformative. By working with these incredible beings, we gain access to an ancient and sacred energy that assists in clearing, protecting, and uplifting both our personal and planetary frequencies.

If you’re new to dragon energy, I encourage you to start with intention. Simply ask the dragons to reveal themselves to you, whether through meditation, dreams, or synchronicities. Be open to their guidance and trust that they will show up in exactly the way you need them to.

I am beyond grateful to share this journey with you, and I’d love to hear about your experiences with dragon energy. Feel free to comment, share, or reach out if you have any questions.

Remember, this blog will also be available on my podcast and YouTube channel for those who prefer an audio-visual experience.

Much love and dragon blessings,

Michele Courage ✨🐉