michele courage 

Support for the Soul

Organically grown with Love and made with Ritual


Many people who burn smudge sticks in spiritual practice INSIST on locally grown sage that was grown with ‘good intent’.

I am very proud to bring you these beautiful, organically grown, Handmade and infused individually with Light Encoded Energetic Vibrations SAGE SMUDGING WANDS, which are exclusive to michelecourage.com – the wands are energy products – when you use them you are connecting to their energy.

Grown right here on the banks of the Tukituki River in Central Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. I hope you love using them as much as I do.

At present I am making two different kinds of SAGE wands 

Purple Sage: Used to attract a true heart-connected love as well as to calm stressed or angry relationships and situations. Use it to bring calm contentment, romantic love or attract positive people and circumstances. 


White Sage: A powerful cleanser, removing all that does not serve you and your space. It removes bacteria from the air and purifies it.

PLUS each wand can include:

  • Lavender: A natural calmer and relaxant, attracting vibes that allow your body and mind to relax and ease into life.
  • Rosemary: Provides protection, lifts your mood and is known to relieve stress and instill a sense of peace. It can also remove negative energies from a space which makes it a wonderful smudging herb.
  • Seasonal Flowers: For smells, feels and good vibes.

• Free Postage (NZ only) • each wand is individually made so the picture is a representation

It is important that all smudge sticks use are organic, spray free and sourced ethically to ensure the balance of nature is upheld.

Many people who burn smudge sticks in spiritual practice INSIST on locally grown sage that was grown with ‘good intent’.

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What others say

 “I have found the Aura spray so beneficial and I spray it on my bed before I go to sleep – its helped so much, I feel like it has also helped with my cellular healing as well.”

“I really wish I could translate how I feel after these upgrades. It would most likely come out as a series of clicks and whistles.”

“Dear Michele, thank you so much for the Divine Feminine meditation you so generously held for us last night.  I have done a number of meditations now and this was by far a favourite.  Learning how to call in or dial up different energies – love, peace, strength, self worth, etc was immensely empowering for me and felt like I had grown as a person in leaps and bounds in only an hour.  After the meditation, I felt so at peace and slept like a baby!  You really do make life more joyful for others by sharing your knowledge, compassion and generosity.” 

I feel just wonderful this morning! I can see a beautiful electric blue light/aura/bubble around me. Thank you for last night. Xx

“Thank you again for a beautiful evening.” 

“Thank you again for a very powerful experience!” 

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michele courage

Design for the Soul

+64 21 610 317
